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  1. M

    Please pray my husband’s mind is renewed ,that he comes home, my marriage is saved and my family is reunited. Thank you.

  2. Valentine Judy Andrade

    Pray for Valentine’s family to settle in B’lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B’lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B’lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B’lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B’lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore

  3. Javier-Maria Alonso

    I ask for prayers for my wife, her health (hair loss), her pregnancy and our marriage. For a house for the family we are building. For my work, the conversion of my bosses and that we do not lack clients. For the priest who guides me, Eduardo Toraño and his needs. For the health of all of us (my eyes/sight). Thank you very much for your prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  4. William Kaldawi

    May God bless us and love us and keep us always and may we always be likewise

  5. jerry

    Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy – 18 mos in remission stage 4 gastric cancer – we fear it may have returned. She has Petscan 3-18-24 & Im terrified ! WE NEED A MIRACLE ! She is my love & my life & I can’t go on with out her. If possible this Monday @ 12 Noon / EST please say a prayer for her as she goes through the Petscan. Lord hear our prayer.

  6. Jennifer

    Please pray for Mark’s salvation & for a miracle healing in his marriage to Donna from emotional abuse & homosexual adultery & witchcraft

  7. Klara Vita

    Dear kind friends,

    We need prayers and masses for the following intentions:

    1. Africa;
    2. Middle East;
    3. to be discharged from UAI Martins hospital;
    4. dysfunctional families;
    5. ancestors of Sagata, Kanno and Hashiguchi families;
    6. Brazilian public schools;
    7. Brazilian election;
    8. Brazilian slum;
    9. help me when I grow old, fall sick and when I die;
    10. working people rights;
    11. schizophrenic people;
    12. Brazilian public health system: SUS;
    13. Sanae (in the present and future): goodness, kindness, wisdom, strong faith, compassion, courage, honesty,QI250, cure gift, strong eyes, children literature writing skill, cure gift, independence, best family, Dom Wilson gift, religious vocation, Denmark;
    14. Daniel: lack of control, obsession, adiction, “blowing” and intrigue punishment.promise:teacher
    15. Elisabeth Fritzl and children;
    16. cats “Loirinha”, machinho and “Coloridinha”: health an protection;
    17. help me donate all my wealth to the Church;
    18. Yoshio and Erika: house; join the church;abusive personality;
    19. Sanae: financial problem good job: near home homeoffice monday to friday bus:get off right place.receive salary

    Thank you for your kindness,

    Klara Vita.

  8. Dominic

    pray for my sister, who has been identified by a doctor with a malignant lump while awaiting the results of a muscle biopsy, that the results would be normal rather than necrotic. Amen.

  9. Andrew and Nicole

    Prayer for Andrew and Nicole

    Happiness and joy spiritual protection also salvation and assurance of salvation if we are saved praise God also prayer for financial increase so we aren’t lacking our daily needs not enough money thank you Jesus

  10. V L Patrick

    For peace and religious unity in the world. To enlighten and guide all the leaders of our world, nation and community For the Pope and all Catholics. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For good health and long life. That we may go to Heaven when we die. For success in work and studies. For a happy married life for my daughter and for the good health of her son and parents. For the souls of our dear departed. Thanksgiving for favours received

  11. Alan Demascus

    Please pray for the healing of Alan’s schizophrenia illness, the torture of an excruciatingly agonizing and painful hell, like having a thousand painful psychic cuts renewed daily, while being imprisoned, suffered for the past 15.5 years now. Thank you.

  12. Valentine Judy Andrade

    Pray for Valentine’s family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B’lore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B’lore, bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B’lore, heal Neha Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem, heal Judy from cancer, depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia, healing from ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems.BlessNeha Nikita to settle very close to each other, in the same house inB’lore.Bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession.

  13. Ma Elena Santiago

    Father God through the intercession of Mama Mary, please help me pay all my bills, needs, debts and loans, please help me provide for myself and my family, and please help me to be given the lowest buyout fees by my previous employer. Please give me (financial help/ breakthroughs) sudden unexpected windfall like winning big in lottery, multiple streams of income and successful businesses/income generating assets. Lord give me the best/right job and best workplace with best colleagues/bosses for me, for my health, for my career and for my family. Arm me with proper knowledge, skills, attitude, competence and confidence to do and give my best. May I be always free from harm and always safe when working, when driving and during daily routine. May I be able to get my family here in the US to live with me. Please make me and my family always healthy, happy, strong together, safe and God-centered. Forgive me and my family of our sins. May we be forgiven by everyone we have wronged. Help us that we may be able to help other people, have strong faith, do good and be acceptable to you. Lord may the father of my daughter be involved in her life and make her feel loved. May my daughter grow as a healthy, fulfilled, kind, intelligent, talented, creative, loving, good person. Please heal me Lord from all health problems as well as my family.
    I pray for urgent proper and best employment for me, my health and my family. Please solve all my health and financial woes. Heal my eyes, ears, skin, back, shoulder, heel and every bodily/physical, mental, emotional, social, psychological, financial, work/career, spiritual, issues I have. Remove my worries, fears, anxieties, doubts and negativities.
    I pray for peace, for conversion of sinners, for all the souls in purgatory, victims of wars, injustices & poverty, for the oppressed, sick, hurting and dying. I pray especially for those who serve you as priests, nuns, brothers, sisters, deacons, lay ministers, all church servers, sponsors and the person reading this. Keep them close to you. Protect us all from evil. Thank you! We love you!

  14. Nika Nika

    Please may you pray for my mother Maria for her health, she will go to doctor in this week,thank you!

  15. Valentine Judy Andrade

    LordJesus Mama Mary all saints and angels intercede for Valentine’s family, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem, heal Judy from cancer, depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia, healing from ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems.

  16. M

    Pray that our former employee is removed from my husband’s life and that he comes home to me and our 2 year old daughter.

  17. Kimberly

    God, I ask you to intercept & your miracles in my life to restore, heal, & bring back my marriage to Jim & for his infidelity & all contact with the other girl will cease forever & to bring him home devoted & repentant to me today. in Jesus name.

  18. Oberdan pegoraro

    My Brother Rudimar Pegoraro was diagnosed with a tumor in his pancreas. He’s still waiting for his health care plan to authorize the biopsy procedure. Two years ago he had his leg amputated due to complications in a diabetic ulcer in his feet. God only knows how he’s feeling.
    I ask you to pray for his cure.
    Thank you in advance and God bless you.

  19. Steven

    Please pray that I may find a good Catholic spouse

  20. Veronika n Veronika

    Please may you pray for my father Victor. He had a computed tomography, can you please pray that there wouldn’t be cancer or metastases. That computed tomography be clean. I am very worried, thank you very much!
